A new technology lab is being constructed this summer at SUNY Ulster! Located off of the student lot section of Hardenbergh, renovated labs and classrooms will be receiving state-of-the-art equipment that can be utilized by both students and industry members, particularly those in STEM fields such as engineering and advanced manufacturing, AutoCAD, 3D printing and web development. Instruction will be available to SUNY Ulster students. This new lab will be named the Pfeiffer Technology & Innovation Lab, after Ulster County resident and Foundation Board Vice Chair Darlene L. Pfeiffer.
Three labs are getting a thorough renovation: the drafting lab, electronics lab, and mechanical lab. The drafting lab will receive dual monitor computers, and the room will be split into two separate labs as well as a 3D printing lab. Industrial technology, drafting, computer, graphic design, art, and fashion students will be able to take advantage of the improved drafting labs, and the 3D printing lab may be open for use, eventually, to all students. The electronics lab will receive new electronic benches, and the mechanical lab (which will be renamed the Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering Lab) will receive new work benches as well as a private outside entrance for industry partners.
In addition to the labs, two classrooms are getting renovated. The computer classroom will receive 18 new computers with Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) software. Training units for PLC are being ordered to create a PLC lab, as well. The classroom without computers (located off the current mechanical lab) will be renovated to allow students to learn in the classroom section and then do hands-on experiments in the lab. Both of these classrooms will be available for use by any department.
Renovations are scheduled for completion by August 28th, timely for the start of fall classes. Barbara Reer, Director of Technology Education Programs, states, “We want students and faculty alike to embrace these labs, which will aid in current programs, and hopefully help foster new programs.”