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Tips For Transferring from Community College to University


Right now, many of you are getting ready to graduate and then go on to a four-year school. You might be feeling overwhelmed by the selection and application process, but even if you haven’t been planning your transfer since you started here, there’s still time and plenty of options! Read on to learn about what you can do (starting now, before your last semester begins!) to ensure the next two years are as successful as your time at Ulster has been.

Talk with Your Advisor and the Transfer Advisor

No matter when you plan on graduating, it’s wise to have a conversation with both your individual advisor and Ulster’s transfer advisor, Kate Smith. Discuss your options, make sure your credits are on track, and get tips from both advisors on what schools could be good for you and your major. This can get you started on the decision-making process and can offer good leads to schools you may not have considered. Remember, academic advisors are available during their office hours year-round; you don’t have to wait for the narrow window of registration to have a chat with them about your plans! In fact, they often prefer you don’t wait until then. To get in touch with the transfer advisor, email or stop by her office in VAN 119M.

Find Some Great Schools

If you aren’t sure yet where you want to go, do some research! For further tips on how to find your match, check out this post on discovering your perfect school. Most importantly, be sure you check each school out carefully. You should always visit if you can. Remember to apply to several schools you’re interested in attending, so you have some options when the time comes to make your decision.

Make Sure Your Credits Transfer

Ulster has articulation agreements with many schools and also offers SUNY Guaranteed Admission to schools within the SUNY and CUNY systems. That said, you should still check to make sure your credits transfer properly! Knowing ahead of time if one school on your list will take an extra semester to graduate from can make a huge difference in your decision (and save you time and money). You can often find lists on school websites of class credits from other institutions that transfer to theirs. You can also ask someone at the transfer school to look over your credits to get a more personal analysis.

Know What Financial Aid Will Be Available

While it’s easy to find the annual tuition cost at an institution, that price doesn’t figure in your financial aid, including federal aid and transfer scholarships you may receive if eligible. Make sure you know how much you will be getting beforehand, so you know what, if any, you will realistically be paying out of pocket during your time at the school. If they are not offered up front, ask someone at the transfer school about scholarships you can apply for. And don’t forget to apply for scholarships here before you go! Scholarships offered through the Ulster Community College Foundation can usually be sent to other schools if the student is in their final semester at SUNY Ulster and intends to transfer.