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4 Ways to Find An Internship

As the winter recess approaches you may find yourself thinking that this is the perfect time to consider getting involved with an internship. Here at SUNY Ulster you can earn college credit while participating in the Student Internship Program. To get involved in the Student Internship Program you must have at least a 2.0 GPA and 30 college credits completed, or by permission of the fieldwork coordinator. For further information, contact Linda Farina, Office of Fieldwork and Internships,

You can also check out our Internships page Here:

An internship is not only a beneficial addition to your resume, but can also be a fulfilling personal experience as well. Gaining knowledge, building your skills profile, and expanding your network field are all crucial elements in creating the best opportunities for yourself as you continue your success after SUNY Ulster.  

*Important Tip* When reaching out to potential internships put together a resume and a short pitch/ cover lettecan help you to appear direct, and responsible to your potential internship. Be prepared to have to communicate with people as to why you are deserving of this opportunity.

3 Additional Ways to Find An Internship

Talk to People You Know

When it comes to looking for an internship you may find yourself thinking “Where do I even start?”  The answer may be right in front of you in your sphere of influence. Start by asking your professors if they are aware of any opportunities that are available.

Another way to reach out to people you already know is sharing with your friends on social media (Like Facebook,Instagram,Linkedin) that you are looking for this new venture. You may be surprised by what leads and resources your friends and family have to offer.

Online Websites

Online job sites like, , are not only for looking jobs! With the websites listed above you can either use the “Internship” tag or search “Internships” in the website’s search engine. Here all active opportunities are filtered and listed as specific, or unspecific as you would like!

Create Opportunities For Yourself

Make a list of 5 to 15+ potential places that you can see yourself working in your local area. Research the best contact information for all of these places- and do what is known as a “Cold Contact”. Be professional and friendly while letting them your objective, when you can start, and all the important information they need to know when considering you as a potential intern.

You are capable of manifesting your own opportunities that could in turn into an employment positions for you.