“Being a part of the Graphic Design Program at SUNY Ulster is a great opportunity for me. Right now, we’re working for a client. They’re a part of the Hudson Valley Current, which wants to start driving a food truck that will bring food to impoverished areas. So, we’re designing a food truck for them. It’s so much fun and a great experience because one of our designs will be chosen and will be out there in the real world. And that’s what the Graphic Design Program here has to offer. Most people going to a four-year school don’t have the experience of personally working with a client before they start doing design work. People say to me, ‘What? You get to work with a client before doing anything else? I wish I had that opportunity where I’m going!’ It’s so great; I can’t express that enough. There’s nothing like it! It’s everything to me. Learning Graphic Design and meeting clients, it’s everything!”
Stories of SUNY Ulster — Dashiell

Tags:campus lifeCareer in Graphic Designcollegecommunity collegegraphic designgraphic design programgraphic design program at suny ulsterStories of SUNY UlsterstudentssuccesssunySUNY UlsterSUNY Ulster ArtSUNY Ulster Community CollegeSUNY Ulster Honors Programsuny ulster programssuny ulster staffUlster County Community CollegeVisual Arts
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