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Final Exam Tips from your Professors

It’s that time of the semester again! The sun is out; the Main Quad is beginning to buzz with activity; and you can almost envision your end of the school year Netflix binge. Before you can just sit back, relax and remain in your bed for the next 36 hours, you have to get through those dreaded final exams. Here are some tips from some of our Faculty and Staff on how to make it through those finals:

“Make sure you know what’s on the final exam so you know what you need to study. Then study all your resources: your class notes, your homework, the textbook, and any other resources you have.”

Mindy Kole
Assistant Professor of Business

“Make sure you read the directions for your final exam and projects. If you don’t read the instructions, how will you know what you need to do? Also, check and triple check, the date of your final exam.

Dr. Nichola Harris
Associate Professor of European History

“Don’t wait until the last minute to study. Do not cram!”

Jane Kithcart
Director of Academic Support Services & Placement Director of Learning Center

“Put in the effort, study hard, and just before the exam take a break and relax. You know everything you will know! In the end though, remember your final exam grade doesn’t define you.”

Nicholas Haines
Instructor of English

“Take care of yourself. Make sure you’re remembering to eat and sleep on a regular and healthy basis. Going into an over stressed and deprived of sleep is only going to make it harder for you to focus on the exam.”

Mary Ann Baruth
Associate Professor of Mathematics